, a Virginia-based right-wing group whose self-proclaimed purpose is to “support and defend the platform of [Ronald] Reagan Republicanism – pro-life/pro-family [i.e. anti-gay], strong defense, small government” is running ads on major cable news networks for their sexist “Hey Al, Take It Like A Man” bumper stickers. The non-profit, partisan group operates an ultra-conservative website featuring the transcript of an Alan Keyes address, and is almost exclusively focusing its resources on the current presidential election and their “Hey Al, Take It Like A Man” bumper stickers. The stickers feature the slogan in large, white letters superimposed over a map of the United States, showing states where Bush won the electorate in red, including the state of Florida. The ad visually implies that Bush won the election in a landslide. But more outrageous is the ad’s slogan: “Take It Like A Man” harkens back to stereotypes of women as overly emotional and incapable of noble and rational leadership, and relies on heterosexist assumptions that all men are aloof, rough, and unemotional. The ad appeared on MSNBC and CNN, and continues to be shown in regular commercial rotation.