
Women’s Rights Groups Ask Congress To Increase Funding For Afghanistan

Leading women’s rights, human rights, and Afghan groups sent a letter to Congress today urging an increase in funding to adequately meet Afghanistan’s reconstruction needs. The letter raises concerns that Afghanistan’s reconstruction and security needs continue to be shortchanged. The groups are asking Congress to re-evaluate the current spending priorities due to the fact that […]


Senator Raises Concerns That US Not Spending Enough In Afghanistan

At yesterday’s Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the $87 billion supplemental for Iraq and Afghanistan, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) raised concerns about the $20 billion for Iraq’s reconstruction compared to the $800 million for Afghanistan’s. He questioned whether the United States should think about spending more money in Afghanistan than Iraq because Iraq and Afghanistan’s […]


Senator Raises Concerns For Women In Afghanistan

At today’s Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the $87 billion supplemental for Iraq and Afghanistan, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) raised concerns about vulnerable populations in Afghanistan and Iraq, including women. She pointed to a Human Rights Watch Report and threats against girls going to school as examples of the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan. At […]


Afghanistan: Troubles Persist, NATO to Assume Control of ISAF

As the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) readies to take control of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) on Monday, Afghanistan continues to struggle amidst growing attacks on aid workers and law enforcement officers in its provinces. Despite repeated calls by the United Nations (UN), Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and progressive organizations including the Feminist […]


UN: Security in Afghanistan Unstable

In a report released yesterday, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan called the security situation in Afghanistan unstable. Annan named the expansion of the International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) beyond the capital city of Kabul as “the best way to fill in the security gap” that threatens the peace in Afghanistan, according to a UN release. […]


Afghanistan: Protesters Urge Reform

Hundreds of protesters yesterday demonstrated in the Afghan capital of Kabul, demanding that the government adhere to the 2001 Bonn agreement, which laid the groundwork for a return to democracy in Afghanistan. Zarmina Akhgar, deputy chairwoman of the Freedom and Democracy Movement (Dari: Nahzat-e Azadi wa Democracy) joined other demonstrators, including members of the National […]


US Majority Supports ISAF Expansion in Afghanistan, Survey Finds

Most Americans (67 percent) support expanding UN peacekeeping operations beyond Kabul in Afghanistan, according to a recent survey by the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA). PIPA director Steven Kull explained that despite concurrent deployment of US troops elsewhere, Americans are supportive of efforts in Afghanistan “[p]resumably… prompted by a combination of a feeling of […]


NGOs Urge Greater Security in Afghanistan

The Feminist Majority, along with along with 78 other humanitarian, human rights, and conflict prevention organizations, called upon NATO to expand the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. NATO will assume control of ISAF in August, but the groups are urging NATO to order an expansion of ISAF now because it takes time to […]


Afghanistan: Peace Troops Attacked

Underscoring the lack of security in Afghanistan, four German peacekeeping troops were killed on Saturday in an explosion that wounded 31 others. This was the biggest attack on the international security assistance forces (ISAF) yet, according to Reuters. The peacekeeping troops were traveling on a bus in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, when a suicide […]


Activists, Senators Ask, “Where’s the Marshall Plan for Afghanistan?”

Dozens of activists from women’s rights and human rights groups filled a Senate hearing room yesterday wearing bright yellow stickers that read “Afghanistan: Where’s the Marshall Plan?” Andrew Natsios, USAID administrator, testified before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations on the President’s budget for 2004. In his opening remarks, Ranking Committee Member Senator Patrick […]


Afghanistan: Threats Against Citizens for Political Views Rise

A recent rise in threats against Afghan citizens for expressing their views on the country’s draft constitution is a cause for concern, according to the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) and the United Nations. “We have received reports of increasing threats, physical aggression and even arbitrary detentions,” said Nader Naderi, an AIHRC commissioner, according […]