Violence Against Women

Democratic Women’s Working Group and Representatives Condemn New Title IX Rules

Yesterday, the Democratic Women’s Working Group (DWWG), along with Representatives Jackie Speier, Lois Frankel, Brenda Lawrence, and Annie Kuster and 77 House members, sent a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, urging her to retract her recently proposed rules for Title IX. In the letter, the representatives denounce the proposed rules, calling the rules a […]

Global Violence Against Women

Transwoman who Died in ICE Custody was Physically Abused, Autopsy Reports

An autopsy report released this week states that the body of Roxsana Hernandez Rodriguez, a transgender migrant in ICE custody, shows signs of “physical assault and abuse.” Hernandez Rodriguez died in ICE custody in May and the autopsy shows she had “deep bruises” and “contusions” from “blows and/or kicks and possible strikes with a blunt […]

Activism Violence Against Women

Puerto Rican Police Pepper Spray Puerto Ricans Protesting Violence Against Women

On Friday,  Colectiva Feminista en Construcción, in collaboration with other Puerto Rican Feminist groups, organized a sit-in (un plantón) in front of La Fortaleza, Governor Ricardo Rosselló’s residence, to protest the killing of a woman by her husband, a police officer. During the protests, the Puerto Rican police peppered sprayed the protestors and videos surfaced […]

Global Violence Against Women

Protests Erupt across Ireland after Underwear is used as Evidence of Consent

Women across Ireland are protesting how rape trials conduct after a recent trial used a woman’s underwear as evidence of consent, leading to a man being acquitted of rape. Protesters this week in Ireland, and abroad, are using the hashtag #ThisIsNotConsent and sharing photos of women’s underwear. A social media movement began when people started […]

Global Violence Against Women

Russian Authorities Refusing Investigations into Domestic Violence

A Human Rights Watch report found that Russian authorities do not investigate women’s claims of domestic violence and abuses because domestic violence is decriminalized in Russia. Instead, police recommend that women return to their abusers, leaving women with virtually no protection from intimate partner violence. Further, the report discovered that women are often blamed for […]

Violence Against Women

6 Year Old Sexually Abused in Immigration Detention Told to Stay Away from Assailant

After a 6-year-old girl was sexually abused in an immigrant detainment center in Arizona, she was forced to sign a document saying it was her responsibility to stay away from her abuser. The girl was residing in the detention facility after being forcibly separated from her parents at the southern border. Her abuser is an older child staying in the same center, Casa Glendale.

Violence Against Women

Larry Nassar Faces Additional Charges

A grand jury in Texas has charged former Michigan State and USA Gymnastics Team Doctor Larry Nassar with six additional counts of sexual assault for attacks that allegedly occurred at the famed Karoyli Ranch, a gymnastics training center for budding Olympians. The Karoyli Ranch near Houston is run by the notoriously abusive gymnastic coaches Martha and Bele Karoyli. County prosecutors have declined to file charges against the couple.

Violence Against Women

Judge Who Gave Light Rape Sentence Recalled

Aaron Persky, the judge who sparked national outrage after granting a light jail sentence to Stanford rapist Brock Turner, was recalled by California voters in their June 5 primary. It is very rare for a judge to be recalled: since 1911 when recalls were first legalized, only four attempts have been successful; the last was in 1932.

Violence Against Women

Sessions Reverses Asylum Protection for Immigrants Fleeing Domestic and Gang Violence

On Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions ruled that a 2014 Board of Immigration Appeals decision protecting victims of gang or domestic violence was “wrongly decided.” “Generally, claims by aliens pertaining to domestic violence or gang violence perpetrated by non-governmental actors will not qualify for asylum,” Sessions wrote. “The applicant must show that the government condoned […]