
Celebrate the 2nd Annual “Turn Beauty Inside Out” Day

New Moon, a magazine written and edited for and by girls 8 – 14 years old, celebrates the second annual “Turn Beauty Inside Out” Day with recognition of international media images that promote healthy behavior for girls and boys. The celebration is inspired by New Moon’s May/June 2001 special issue featuring 25 beautiful girls who embody the magazine’s definition of beauty based on good works, great hearts, and activism. Schools, communities and individuals are celebrating “Turn Beauty Inside Out” Day in different ways. Some schools are hosting speakers who will address the issue of media, culture and healthy attitudes. The magazine is also hosting a “Create Your Own Ad” contest for students under 16. Contestants created multimedia advertisements that represented real people’s inner beauty. Visit New Moon Magazine for more information about “Turn Beauty Inside Out” and how you can celebrate this day in your own community.


Media+Women News Ð May 2001; New Moon Publishing

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