Linda Chavez, Bush’s anti-affirmative action, anti-pay equity, anti-minimum wage, and anti-gay and lesbian rights choice for Labor Secretary, withdrew from the running late yesterday afternoon. Bush has not officially announced a new nominee, but several conservative figures are reportedly in the running: Jim Talent, Rich Bond, Jennifer Dunn, Eloise Anderson, Elaine Chao, and Stephen Goldsmith.
- Representative Jennifer Dunn (R-WA) is a member of the Washington State chapter of the Independent Women’s Forum, an anti-women’s rights, anti-gay and lesbian, anti-affirmative action organization with an anti-environmental protection, pro-school vouchers, anti-welfare reform that helps women, anti-gay and lesbian rights, and anti-gun control voting record.
- Eloise Anderson, a former employee of Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson, is Director of the Program for the American Family at the Claremont Institute, a right-wing think tank that is anti-labor unions, anti-gay and lesbian rights and anti-affirmative action.
- Elaine Chao is a member of the Heritage Foundation and of the Independent Women’s Forum, both anti-women’s rights, anti-affirmative action, and anti-lesbian and gay rights ultra-conservative groups.
- Stephen Goldsmith, Bush’s campaign advisor on domestic policy, is Chairman for the Center for Civic Innovation (CCI) at the Manhattan Institute, a think-tank that produces anti-feminist research and backs faith-based initiatives that would replace much-needed social service programs.
- Jim Talent is a former representative from the state of Missouri who recently lost his bid for governor. Talent served as Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, and was a labor lawyer arguing on behalf of the management side.
- Rich Bond, former Chairman of the Republican National Committee, has voiced support for the Christian Right.