
Churches Can Discriminate Against Single Mothers, KY Human Rights Panel Says

The Kentucky Commission on Human Rights ruled last week that a church day care center did not violate the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act when it fired a woman for being pregnant and unmarried.

Cynthia Bundy had worked at the Fairdale Christian Church Day Care for 18 months when she was fired. The church said she would have to marry the father of her baby in order to keep her job. Church lawyers claim Bundy signed a “moral agreement” to exhibit “Christian values” while at work, and that Bundy violated the rule that all employees act as “positive role models” for the kids. The Human Rights Commission said that the church’s policy against extramarital sex was not discriminatory.

The Department of Health and Human Services reports that 30% of all births in the U.S. are to unmarried women.


AP, DHHS - October 17, 1997

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