Hampton Walker, president of the 18,000-member Association of Citadel Men, has demanded the Citadel uncover the truth about the parties responsible for the hazing of two women cadets who have decided to leave the formerly all-male military college and transfer to the University of South Carolina. Walker said, “This doesn’t take any lengthy investigations and waiting around for a lot of reports. They should know what’s going on.” Walker said the alumni were ashamed of allegations that the Citadel did not ensure the safety of Kim Messer and Jeanie Mentavlos who say they were sexually harassed and had their clothes set on fire and their mouths filled with cleanser as part of illegal hazing. Interim Citadel president Clifton Poole has addressed the entire corps of cadets to warn against such behavior and says he takes responsibility for the treatment of the women cadets.
Two male cadets have been suspended pending a review while nine others have been charged with violations of the Citadel’s rules and regulations.