
Citadel Chief Promises Zero Tolerance for Hazing

Twenty women and 538 men entered their first week of basic training, known as “hell week,” today at the Citadel. Cadet Commander Emory Mace addressed the incoming class and promised “zero tolerance” for hazing and swift punishment for those who violate this policy.

Two of last year’s four women enrollees dropped out due to harassment. The Citadel responded by naming a new president and cadet commandants and by recruiting a woman assistant commandant and a dean of women. Cadet Commander Mace, whose daughter Nancy is one of the two remaining women from last year’s freshmen class, has promised to “decrease the tempo” of hell week this year by shortening the period of rigorous military training, using a revised set of college rules, increasing the amount of adult supervision in the barracks and requiring cadets to undergo sexual harassment training.


The New York Times - August 25, 1997

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