
Citadel Woman Sues for Harassment

Former Citadel cadet Kim Messer is suing six male cadets, saying they assaulted and sexually harassed her and denied her food and sleep.

Messner left the Citadel last January after one semester, along with Jeanie Mentavlos, another woman cadet. Both women announced then that they had been hazed and harassed. In the suit, Messner charges that the men caused her physical injury, including a stress fracture to her pelvis, bruises, abrasions, and first-degree burns.

Fourteen cadets were disciplined last year as a result of the women’s hazing charges. Messner’s family is seeking unspecified damages from the six men, only two of whom are still attending the school. Of the 18 first-year female students currently at the Citadel, none have reported hazing.


The Nando Net - September 19, 1997

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