
Clinton Speaks to Thousands at South Korean Women’s University

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke at Ewha Women’s University in South Korea last week. In her speech, Clinton addressed a number of women’s rights issues and also described her experiences on her first international trip as Secretary of State.

Among other related remarks, Clinton said “people who think hard about our future come to the same conclusion, that women and others on society’s margins must be afforded the right to fully participate in society, not only because it is morally right, but because it is necessary to strengthen our security and prosperity. So part of my message during this trip and part of my mission as Secretary of State is that the United States is committed to advancing the rights of women to lead more equitable, prosperous lives in safe societies. I view this not only as a moral issue, but as a security issue. I think that it’s imperative that nations like ours stand up for the rights of women. It is not ancillary to our progress; it is central.”

Jeon Yeo Ok, a female lawmaker told TopNews that Clinton “left our students a message that looks are not everything for women to chase after… She left us a dream that we also need a woman diplomat like her.” A student, Kim Young Min, told the TopNews that she already knew Clinton “is an intelligent and competent woman, [but] now I am impressed that she is also a charming, funny and warm-hearted woman who wisely made her way as a mother, wife and working woman.”


US Department of State 2/20/09; TopNews 2/23/09

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