
CODEPINK Members Arrested at Iraq Hearings

Cindy Sheehan and 9 other activists were arrested on Monday by Capitol Police for allegedly disturbing a House hearing on the war in Iraq. General David Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker were testifying before the joint-committee hearing on the Iraq conflict. CODEPINK, a leading feminist peace group, and Iraq Veterans Against the War were among the groups attending the hearing, according to CODEPINK.

Cindy Sheehan and her sister Christy Ann Miller, were both charged with disorderly conduct. CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin was also among those arrested, and was charged with unlawful conduct. Many of the arrested CODEPINK members were held overnight by Capitol Police, according to CODEPINK.

“The Bush/Petraeus spin paints a false, rosy picture of Iraq and it is our duty to make sure Congress and the rest of America knows the surge isn’t working, there is no military solution and the troops need to come home,” said Medea Benjamin in a CODEPINK press release.


CODEPINK Press Release 9/10/07, 9/10/07; New York Times 9/10/07; Washington Post 9/11/07

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