
Congresswoman Maloney to Introduce Amendment to Protect UNFPA Funding

Representatives Carolyn Maloney (NY-D) and Joseph Crowley (NY-D) are offering an amendment today to the FY06 Science-State-Justice-Commerce Appropriations bill that would prevent any funding in the bill from being used to prohibit or restrict funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The effect of the amendment would be to ensure that badly needed funds will be released to help women, children, and men in nearly 150 poor countries around the world.

The UNFPA supports developing countries to advance access to the quality of reproductive health care, economic opportunities, and education all of which provide women with opportunities to determine the size and spacing of their families. The UNFPA is the second largest source of population assistance to developing countries and is a key source of assistance in poor countries for family planning services. Since July 2002, the Bush Administration has withdrawn $34 million annually from the UNFPA.

TAKE ACTION Call your Representative today at (202) 224-3121 to urge her or him to support the Maloney-Crowley Amendment. Click here to find out who your Representative is.


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