
Conservative Foundations Give Over $210 Million to Push Their Causes

A study released on July 1, 1997 by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy shows that conservative foundations have given over $210 million within a three year period to reshape national policy debates and push the U.S. and states legislatures to the right. The study said, “Two-thirds of their grant dollars went to organizations and programs pursuing policy agendas based on the privatization of government services, deep reductions in federal anti-poverty spending, industrial deregulation and the transfer of responsible social welfare to state and local government and the charitable sector.” The report studied the funding pattern of the following twelve foundations: the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation; the Earhart Foundation; the Charles G. Kock Foundation; the David H. Kock Foundation; the Claude R. Lambe Foundation; the Phillip M. McKenna Foundation; the JM Foundation; the John M. Olin Foundation; the Henry Salvatori Foundation; the Sarah Scaife Foundation; the Carthage Foundation and the Smith Richardson Foundation. The foundations have given financial support to, among others, the following conservative think-tanks: the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, the Free Congress Research and Education Fund, the Cato Institute and Citizens for a Sound Economy.


The Washington Post - July 2, 1997

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