This summer, as many as two U.S. Supreme Court justices could retire, giving President Bush the opportunity to fill the open seats with anti-abortion justices-a move that could lead to the overturning of the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion in all 50 states. While this possibility alarms anyone who values a woman’s right to reproductive freedom, the White House is working overtime to dull the public’s perception of the Bush administration’s attack on safe, legal abortion. In today’s USA Today, the cover story claims that restricting abortion is not a “high policy priority” for Bush and that the President will not make a “full frontal attack” on abortion rights, but “nibble around the abortion topic.” But the public must not forget that Bush’s first executive order was to restrict abortion access, and he has named Justices Thomas and Scalia his two favorite Justices–Thomas and Scalia are the two most ardently anti-abortion Justices on the Court. Bush’s “nibbles” are a “full frontal attack” and should not be ignored.
This Sunday, April 22, the Feminist Majority will join the National Organization for Women and hundreds of other abortion rights groups for an Emergency Action for Women’s LivesÑa day-long rally for abortion rights that will kick off a 4-year campaign to protect women’s access to safe, legal abortion.
Join the Feminist Majority delegation for this important event!
Where: Washington D.C. – Upper Senate Park (Constitution Ave & Delaware NE – Union Station Metro)
When: April 22, 2001 11 a.m. rally with speakers and petitioning, followed by a reproductive rights information fair.
Volunteer: Contact Sirena at (703) 522-2214.