Anti-abortion protestors celebrated the presidency of George W. Bush — without Bush — at their annual march protesting the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision making abortion legal. In a statement read by anti-abortion leader Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ), Bush said “The promises of our Declaration of Independence are not just for the strong, the independent, or the healthy. They are for everyone — including unborn children.” In the past, Presidents Reagan and Bush I broadcast their statements to the march from the White House. During the campaign, Bush tried to obfuscate the abortion issue. However, he has declared war on women with his cabinet appointments of John Aschroft and Tommy Thompson and his issuance of an executive order reinstating the global gag rule, which denies federal funding to family planning programs that use their own money to provide counseling on abortion. Fueled by outrage over the Bush executive order on the international gag rule and the possibility of a review of mifepristone approval, the campaign to stop Ashcroft is gathering steam. Today, Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN) came out against Ashcroft. Oppose the confirmations of John Ashcroft and Tommy Thompson.