Congresswoman Lois Capps (D-CA) and 35 other Democratic Congresswomen sent a letter to President Bush this week, urging him to address the global maternal mortality epidemic at the G-8 Summit in July. This letter follows the recent passing of H.Res.1022, which was sponsored by Capps in May and requires a greater US commitment to reducing maternal mortality globally. Capps chairs the Democratic Women’s Working Group.
The letter asks Bush to work to make “pregnancy and childbirth safe for women no matter where they happen to live.” It also highlights the widely disparate maternal mortality rates worldwide. According to the letter, one in 7300 births in industrialized nations and one in 26 births in Sub-Saharan Africa result in maternal death.
The letter reminds Bush that “the G8 meeting next month will be a prime opportunity to remind the other members of the G8 of this pressing issue and to rededicate all members of the group to working towards this critical goal”. For their part, the Congresswomen pledge to “stand ready to offer the assistance and support from the legislative branch in order to carry out this effort.”