Tuesday morning the Democratic Women for Change launched the “Checklist for Change,” campaign, highlighting sets of issues for Congress and candidates to tackle in the next administration. All ten Democratic women in the senate signed on to the checklist, and all but Senator Clinton were in attendance at this event. There are a total of 16 women in the Senate, ten of whom are democrats. These are: Senators Blanche Lincoln (AK), Dianne Feinstein (CA), Barbara Boxer (CA), Maria Cantwell (WA), Mary Landrieu (LA), Barbara Mikulski (MD), Debbie Stabenow (MI), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Claire McCaskill (MO), Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY) and Patty Murray (WA).
Senator Barbara Mikulski, who serves as the Dean of Woman Senators, kicked off the event by extolling women to “put on your lipstick, square your shoulders, and suit up!” The Checklist for Change includes issues traditionally labeled as women’s issues, as well as those not immediately associated with women. The Checklist includes equal pay for equal work, fiscal responsibility, restoring America’s credibility around the world, eliminating cronyism and corruption in government agencies, and fighting climate change.