Denise Majette became the first woman and the first black candidate nominated to the US Senate in Georgia following her Democratic runoff victory Tuesday. Majette, a pro-choice first-term member of Congress who earned a 100 percent rating from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, easily defeated her opponent, businessman Cliff Oxford. Aside from its history-making aspects, Majette’s campaign was remarkable for its small budget and strong emphasis on grassroots organizing. Because of her limited spending capability, Majette ran no TV ads in her primary campaign, reports the Associated Press, instead relying on a grassroots effort that took her message to the streets to reach voters. Majette will face a tough race against Republican Johnny Isakson in November in a race that many say has little chance of victory, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Isakson is well known in Georgia and, like Majette’s opponent in the primary, has much more money to spend. Majette, however, remains committed, telling the Atlanta Journal Constitution, “They called me a long shot before; now they call me congresswoman.” If elected, Majette will be the only black woman serving in the US Senate and the first since Illinois Senator Carol Moseley Braun, who left the Senate in 1999. JOIN the Feminist Majority