The US Department of Labor released last week Highlights of Women’s Earnings in 2009, a report which confirmed that the wage gap between men and women still exists. The report details that women on average earn about 80 percent of that earned by male counterparts. The 2005-2006 report had the women-to-men earning ratio peaking at 81 percent. New information in the report includes statistics proving that American women under 35 earn 90 percent of pay received by their male counterparts. Women over 35 only earn 75 percent of that earned by their male counterparts, demonstrating an increased wage gap as women age. The report did not account for the different types of jobs that are predominately held by men or women. Women are still more likely to work part time (less than 35 hours a week) than men. Twenty-nine percent of women’s wages were made up of part time work compared to 13 percent for men. The report also points out higher pay discrepancies the higher the income level. There is also a significant a wage gap between races. White women earned 86 percent of wages earned by Asian women , while Blackand Hispanic women earned 75 percent and 65 percent, respectively.