A lawsuit that charged online matchmaking service eHarmony with discriminating against gay and lesbian individuals was settled yesterday. As part of the settlement, eHarmony will release a new website, Compatible Partners, an online dating service specifically for same-sex couples, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The suit was originally filed by a gay individual who alleged that eHarmony had violated his rights under New Jersey’s discrimination laws by omitting sexual orientation as a factor. According to World Net Daily, eHarmony founder Neil Clark Warren has tried to defend the exclusion of gay and lesbian individuals by claiming that his company’s main goal is to promote marriage and that “we don’t really want to participate in something that’s illegal.”
Though the New Jersey suit is now settled, a California Superior Court judge ruled yesterday that a separate case against eHarmony can proceed as a class-action lawsuit. According to PC Magazine, this suit will allow individuals who were denied service from eHarmony on the basis of sexual orientation since 2004 to join the case.