
Domestic Violence Provisions Included in Healthcare Bill

Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (NY-28), chair of the House Rules Committee, announced that two of her provisions regarding domestic violence are included in the final version of the healthcare reform bill, HR 3962. One provision prevents insurance companies from classifying domestic violence as a “pre-existing condition,” and would go into effect on January 10, 2010. The second provision will curb the cost of chronic health problems stemming from domestic violence.

Representative Slaughter said in a statement, “It is absolutely ridiculous that a woman can be denied coverage because she was a victim of domestic abuse, and I am proud that we are putting an end to this deplorable practice…I worked with my friend and colleague Chairman Henry Waxman to guarantee that women who are victims of domestic abuse will be able to receive the support they need and that women in America receive the quality, affordable health care they deserve.” Pre-existing conditions that currently impact women also include pregnancy, caesarian sections, cancer treatments beyond the initial incident of treatment, and more.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other house Democrats unveiled the bill, known as the Affordable Health Care for America Act, to the public yesterday. See a summary of the bill here. Find more information on healthcare reform and women here.


Congresswoman Louise Slaughter Press Release 10/30/09; Feminist Majority; Committee on Education and Labor 10/29/09

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