
Early Voting Victory in Ohio to be Challenged

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine will appeal a federal court decision granting early-voting in the state. Last week, a federal judge ruled that Ohio must reinstate early voting during the three-days before the election, a schedule that had previously been eliminated by Secretary of State, Jon Husted.

The court ruled that the elimination of early voting in the state of Ohio was “arbitrary” in that the ruling only applied to non-military personnel and would disproportionately affect minority and low income voters. Husted intended to ignore the court ruling but was called into court for contempt and has since complied with the ruling. Within hours, Attorney General Mike DeWine announced he would appeal the court’s decision.

This news comes after victories in Florida and Texas to eliminate voter suppression measures.

Media Resources: Melissa Harris-Perry 9/9/12; Huffington Post 8/31/12; Talking Points Memo 8/31/12; Feminist Newswire 8/31/12

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