Eighteen women were inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame on Saturday. They are: Virginia Apgar (1909-1974) – Invented the Apgar Scale, a life-saving health assessment test for newborns. Physician. Ann Bancroft – First woman to reach the North and South Poles across the ice. Amelia Bloomer (1818-1894) – Founded the first newspaper concerned with equality for women, The Lilly. Mary Breckinridge (1881-1965) – Founded the Frontier Nursing Service which provides health care in rural areas. Eileen Collins – First American woman to pilot a spacecraft. Elizabeth Dole – Political leader, the first woman secretary of transportation. Anne Dallas Dudley (1876-1955) Tennessee suffrage leader instrumental in the passage of the 19th Amerndment. Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) – Started the Church of Christ, Scientist thus becoming the first American woman to found a worldwide religion Ella Fitzgerald – Singer. Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) – Feminist transcendentalist leader and teacher. Matilda Joslyn Gage (1826-1898) – Suffrage leader and author. Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1878-1972) – Industrial engineer and motion study expert. Improved industry and the home. Nannerl Keohane – First woman president of Duke university. Political Scientist. Maggie Kuhn (1905-1995) – Founded the Gray Panthers. Sandra Day O’Connor – First woman justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin (1842-1924) – Abolitionist. Leader and organizer of African American women’s organizations. Patricia Schroeder – U.S. congresswoman. Her legislation has helped women tremendously. Hannah Greenebaum Solomon (1858-1942) – Founder of the National Council of Jewish Women.