EMILY’s List released a national study Wednesday that examines how “women of different generations view the presidential candidates, politics and life in general.” The study, entitled “From 18 to 80: Women on Politics and Society” (see PDF) focused on the views of four generational groups of women: Generation Y (Gen Y), Generation X (Gen X), Boomers, and Seniors.
In terms of the current presidential race, key findings (see PDF) include that presumptive democratic candidate Senator Barack Obama has a pre-convention lead among women that bests both John Kerry and Al Gore’s polls leading up to the 2004 and 2000 conventions. Among women, Obama leads Senator McCain by an incredible 30 points among Gen Y, 11 points among Seniors, 8 points among Gen X and 6 points among Boomers.”
In relation to feminism, the study found that 77% of women surveyed in Gen Y believe that sexism continues to be a serious problem for women. About a third of Seniors and Boomers believe women receive equal opportunity and treatment at work. 41% of of Gen X and 49% of Gen Y women surveyed agree.
Ellen R. Malcolm, president of EMILY’s List, clarified the importance of such studies in a press release: “Women are key to victory in the fall. They will dictate political fortunes and reshape the government of this country at all levels. Anyone who wants to understand the political landscape must examine the mind and motivations of the women’s electorate.”