
Equal Pay Day: Feminists Fight for Lilly Ledbetter Pair Pay Act

Today is the twelfth annual Equal Pay Day. Women’s groups, including the Feminist Majority, the National Organization for Women, National Women’s Law Center, the National Partnership for Women and Families, and the American Association of University Women are mobilizing members in support of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which the Senate is expected to vote on tomorrow. The bill would correct the recent US Supreme Court decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. that gutted Title VII pay discrimination protections for women workers. The bill passed in the House in July 2007.

“Goodyear may never have to pay me what it cheated me out of. But if this bill passes, I’ll have an even richer reward because I’ll know that my daughters and granddaughters, and all workers, will get a better deal. That’s what makes this fight worth fighting and it’s what makes this fight one we have to win,” Lilly Ledbetter told the Senate committee members at a hearing on legislation to reverse the Ledbetter decision.

Equal Pay Day began in 1996 as a campaign to raise public awareness of the wage gap. Women make 77 cents to each man’s dollar. Minority woman are paid even less: African American women just 63 cents and Hispanic American women 52 cents.

“Tomorrow, the Senate will vote on whether to take up the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which the House proudly passed last year. This critical legislation provides a remedy for women and men who have been victims of pay discrimination. As families grapple with an uncertain economy, equal pay for equal work is about daily survival for millions,” said Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a statement.

Take Action Now! Call your senators toll-free at 866-338-1015 or email them to urge them to vote YES on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act!


Feminist Daily Newswire; House Speaker Pelosi statement 4/22/08

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