
Evolution Prevails in Kansas Vote

Kansas voters want human evolution back on the state science standards. They want it so badly that Democrats switched parties just to vote in the Republican primary yesterday. They voted out three conservative candidates that supported last year’s decision to remove human evolution from the state’s standards and solely teach creationism. Along with their Democratic opponents, these Republican moderates hope to get human evolution back in the curriculum of Kansas schools. “I think parents want their kids to have a strong, competitive education…and that includes evolution,” said moderate Republican Sue Gamble who beat conservative incumbent Board Chair Linda Holloway. Governor Bill Graves (R-KS) endorsed Republican moderates, while Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) sided with conservatives. Not all 10 seats on the board were up for reelection this year, but just three seat changes could still tip the balance on the board, which voted 6 to 4 last year to dump evolution.


Washington Post and The New York Times - August 3, 2000

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