
Expanded Prescribe Choice & EC OTC Campaigns Now Online

More than 70 organizations, including the Feminist Majority Foundation, are demanding Emergency Contraception (EC) be approved for over-the-counter use. These groups submitted a join petition to the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in February of 2001. Since then, the Women’s Capital Corporation, the manufacturer of Plan B ¨, has applied to the FDA to change the distribution status of Plan B ¨. from prescription to over-the counter.

FMF’s Campus Program has launched a major campaign to petition the FDA to make emergency contraception available over-the-counter. When taken within 24 hours of intercourse, EC is 95% effective in preventing unintended pregnancy. Tragically, many young women lack knowledge of or access to EC, often because of campus health care politics. These barriers must be removed.

Educate your campus about EC and organize your own local petition drive. Sign FMF’s national petition online, download petitions to collect signatures, and then mail the petitions to us so we can deliver them in bulk to the FDA!


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