An Orland Park, Illinois police officer was rehired Thursday after waging a three-year court battle against her department over sexual harassment. The Illinois Appellate Court ruled in February that the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners had wrongfully fired Officer Roberta Kramarski in October 1999, just months after she had filed a federal lawsuit alleging sexual harassment. Though the Illinois Supreme Court upheld the ruling, the Department refused to rehire Kramarski until she had undergone physical and psychological evaluation. Kramarski filed disability claims due to physical and emotional injuries she received on the job. The city argued that these claims could indicate that she was unfit to perform police work. Kramarski and the courts disagreed and she returned to work last week. Ironically, one of her first duties was to attend a seminar on sexual harassment and discrimination. Kramarski initially filed charges against her department in July 1999, alleging that she was harassed with derogatory comments, was not given adequate back-up by fellow officers on dangerous jobs, and was passed over for special assignments.