A budding feminist and nine-year-old elementary school politician, Christina Taylor Green, was the youngest of six killed in the shooting that occurred at the “Congress on Your Corner” event sponsored by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) in Tucson, Arizona, on Saturday.
Born on 9/11 and featured in a book entitled Faces of Hope: Babies Born on 9/11, Green expressed an abiding interest in American civic life. She attended the attended Congresswoman Giffords’ event on Saturday with her neighbor in order to learn more about politics. Green had recently been elected to Mesa Verde Elementary School’s student council.
Green was also active in extracurricular activities and had an avid interest in baseball. She was the granddaughter of the manager who led the Philadelphia Phillies when they won the World Series in 1980, Green was the only girl who played in her little league system and had a goal to play baseball professionally.
A total of 20 people were shot in the attack by what seems to have been a single gunman. Six people were killed, including federal district judge John M. Roll. Suspected shooter Jared Lee Loughner is in police custody.
Representative Giffords is now in condition. Giffords is considered a moderate “Blue Dog” Democrat. She is also the first Jewish woman elected to Congress from Arizona. Supported by feminist groups, she is pro-choice and has stood up for comprehensive immigration reform, health-care reform, stem-cell research and raising the minimum wage, among other positions.