
Feminist Groups Go Online to Battle Bush’s Judicial Nominations

In preparation for President Bush’s judicial nominations to the lower courts and the possibility of one or more U.S. Supreme Court nomination this summer, women’s rights groups have gone online to educate the public about Bush’s nominees. Each of the sites works to expose Bush’s anti-choice, anti-woman activities since taking office and gives supporters the opportunity to take action online to protect safe, legal abortion.

Million4Roe.com is a project of the Feminist Majority and gives supporters the opportunity to take action online by signing a petition urging pro-choice Senate leaders to filibuster any U.S. Supreme Court justice nominee who will not uphold the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in all 50 states. The campaign provides local volunteer opportunities, action kits, and the chance to win prizes from celebrities.

RoevBush.com is a Planned Parenthood campaign that features a comprehensive “Bush To Do List” that chronicles President Bush’s anti-choice orders and activities since he took office less than 4 months ago.

SupremeCourtWatch.org was produced by the National Abortion Federation (NAF) and provides subscribers with updates about the Bush administration’s attacks on choice and judicial nominations as they happen. Activists may also visit NAF’s Legislative Action Center to send a letter to senators, urging them to oppose any Supreme Court nominee that does not support women’s right to choose.

Fight4Choice.com is a project of NARAL and highlights Bush’s first 100 days and the campaign promises he has broken since his inauguration. The site also gives supporters a unique list of 100 ways to fight for choice. The success of these campaigns depends on the action of pro-choice supporters across the country. Take a few minutes to visit each website and make your contribution of time, a signature and money to one or all of the campaigns.


Feminist Majority Foundation, Planned Parenthood; NARAL; National Abortion Federation; New York Times - April 23, 2001

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