First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton harshly criticized the Taliban’s abuse of women in girls in a speech she gave yesterday at a Capitol Hill luncheon sponsored by Physicians for Human Rights to honor Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).
Clinton praised Feinstein’s efforts to raise awareness of Afghan women’s plight and said, “When women are savagely beaten by so-called religious police not being fully covered by the burqa or for making noises while they walk, we know it is not just the physical beating that is the objective. It is the destruction of the spirit of those women as well.”
The First Lady also told luncheon attendees the story of an Afghan teacher who was murdered for refusing to close down a home-based school for girls. The woman was shot in the head and stomach in front of her students earlier this month. “We can honor her memory….by not forgetting her story and her willingness to stand against the forces of violence and oppression,” said Clinton.
Feminist News Stories on Afghanistan