
FMF Campus Program Builds Momentum, Welcomes New Groups Across Country

New Feminist Majority Leadership Alliances are taking college campuses across the country by storm. FMLAs are beginning to mobilize feminists, train new leaders, and change the political climate on their campuses! Big feminist welcome to the new FMLAs at WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY, WINONA STATE (MN), MCNEESE STATE (LA), and SALEM INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (WV).

UC IRVINE’S Feminists Leaders for Equality and Empowerment, a new FMF Affiliate, has organized several events as an affiliate and plan on collecting 500 petitions to make Emergency Contraception available Over-the-Counter.

The new Leadership Alliance at CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE in Ohio started their group with a bang this semester! CUYAHOGA FMLA activist Bridget Tharp wrote a feminist editorial that appeared on the front page of the campus paper, THE VOICE, and shored up support for the group.

NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Associated Students for Women’s Issues, an FMF affiliate, sent a representative to the Never Go Back National Student Leadership Conference in DC for the 30th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade as well as a sizeable delegation to the Southwest Feminist Leadership Institute in the FMF Los Angeles area office.

We can’t wait to hear of the groups’ successes this semester! Learn more about starting a Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance chapter on your campus and about affiliating your group with the Feminist Majority Foundation, http://www.feministcampus.org/launch_process.asp.


Feminist Majority Foundation

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