
FMF Comedy Event Raises Funds to Help End Terrorism Against Abortion Clinics

The Feminist Majority Foundation hosted its annual Choose to Laugh, Laugh to Choose comedy event yesterday in Hollywood, CA to benefit its National Clinic Access Project, which works to stop anti-abortion extremist violence and keep women’s healthcare clinics open. Over 300 pro-choice supporters attended the event which was emceed by popular actress Cybill Shepard and featured comics Wendy Leibman, Cathy Ladman, Carol Ann Leif, Jill Turnbow, and Retta.

The Feminist Majority Foundation’s National Clinic Access Project is the oldest and largest clinic defense project in the nation. For nearly 15 years, FMF has been sounding the alarm about the growing domestic terrorist network that threatens abortion rights. Anti-abortion extremists are responsible for 8 murders, 41 bombings, 165 arsons, and most recently the waves of anthrax threats directed at abortion providers and reproductive rights advocacy organizations.

To help eradicate this violence, the Feminist Majority Foundation provides security assistance to besieged clinics nationwide, conducts briefings for law enforcement on the activities and structure of anti-abortion terrorist networks, trains and mobilizes pro-choice volunteers in clinic defense, and works with law enforcement to bring perpetrators of violence against abortion clinics to justice.


Feminist Majority Foundation; National Abortion Federation

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