Last month, FMF launched the Prescribe Choice campaign to increase campus availability of emergency contraception (EC) and mifepristone. Hundreds of groups have already received our campaign action kits and the online requests at continue to pour in!
As a part of their Prescribe Choice actions, the TEXAS TECH Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance celebrated the one-year anniversary of the approval of mifepristone by organizing a mifepristone and EC public education campaign. Within the first hour of tabling, the group distributed over 200 information kits with facts on EC, mifepristone, and family planning. According to Jessica Patton, TTU FMLA President, the event was a huge success, “I think that the faculty and students of TEXAS TECH will learn that FMLA has a voice and we’re going to be heard!” Great work!
Learn more about EC and mifepristone, take action and download or request a Prescribe Choice action kit for your group!