
Gay Airman to be Reinstated in US Air Force

A gay airman, who was discharged from the US Air Force under the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law, won the right to be reinstated in the military this week. Staff Sergeant Anthony Loverde filed a lawsuit after being discharged under the law in 2008. The case, Almy v. US was filed in 2010 and challenged the constitutionality of his dismissal. Two other plaintiffs were named, one of whom won a resolution in December that resulted in his reinstatement.

Sergeant Loverde said in a statement released by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, “I am honored and humbled to return to the service of my country and the job I love. I am grateful to my legal team and all of those in the armed forces who helped to facilitate this reinstatement. I am eager to take the oath and get to work.”

The reinstatement is the result of a settlement between Loverde and the US military. It does not set a precedent for future cases.

SLDN Press Release 4/17/12; Huffington Post 4/17/12 4/18/12; Think Progress 4/17/12

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