
Gay Rights, Affirmative Action Suffer in Election Ballot Measures; Women See Both Gains and Losses

Abortion, women’s rights, affirmative action, and gay rights ballot measures were present voted on in this week’s election.

Efforts to ban late term abortions were rejected by voters in both Colorado (52% to 48%) and Washington state (57% to 43%). In Washington, young voters were the strongest opponents of the abortion ban, with 64% of voters ages 18-29 voting against the ban.

An anti-affirmative action measure also appeared on Washington’s ballot. The measure passed with a vote of 59% to 41%. A 15 point gender gap existed between voters on this issue. The majority of men voted against affirmative action, while women were split 50/50.

Basic women’s rights measures slated to make men and women equal before the law were put to voters in the states of Florida and Iowa. Both amendments passed by large margins, (67% to 32% in Florida and 83% to 17% in Iowa).

In a disappointing loss for gay rights, measures opposing same-sex marriage were passed in Alaska and Hawaii.


Feminist Majority - November 2, 1998

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