
Get Out Her Vote Campaign in Full Swing: Leadership Alliances Mobilize, Educate, and Register Voters

For many states, voter registration deadlines are nearing and Leadership lliances have been very active in the FMF Get Out Her Vote (GOHV) Campaign.

The UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN–EAU CLAIRE affiliate will have members officially deputized to register voters on their campus and will have a GOHV planning session tonight. The EASTERN TENNESSEE UNIVERSITY launching FMLA have registered 40 campus and community members in the past week and will continue voter registration until the deadline. The UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FMLA hosted a successful voter registration barbeque, mixing food, fun, and political activism! When organizing voter registration on campus, the AUBURN UNIVERSITY FMLA took the names of those registered wanting a reminder call the day before the elections to ensure high voter turn out!

Last week, the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA) at TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY organized a voter registration drive on the free speech area of their campus. The group will continue to register more voters around campus and at local grocery stores to diversify their base of registered voters. After the voter registration deadlines, the group will continue to organize public education events and mobilize students to the polls with Get Out Her Vote resources.

The BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY FMLA has Get Out Her Vote co-chairs responsible for coordinating the group’s efforts on campus. The co-chairs will host a GOHV workshop utilizing facts and information from the campaign website. The group will also create a GOHV committee of members to coordinate the public education strategies through tabling on campus and sending out a series of mass emails to their campus.

Many Feminist Majority Leadership Alliances are taking action, registering voters and educating their campus for GOHV! Please email the Campus Team and let us know what your group is planning and how we can help! Email us and visit the GOHV campaign site, http://www.feministcampus.org/vote.

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