
Girls Gain Valuable Experience In The 4th Take Our Daughters To Work

Yesterday over 5 million girls in 14 different countries participated in the 1996 Take Our Daughters to Work Day. Sponsored by the Ms. Foundation, the event was a wonderful opportunity for girls to experience a career at some of the most prestigious in organizations in the world. Over 500 girls went to work at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, where they visited the Security Council and the General Assembly during the debate on Lebanon. Two hundred and seventy five girls joined their parents at the Department of Labor and received a pep talk from the Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, who urged them to ignore the fact that some jobs have traditionally been dominated by men. The Department of Justice arranged for the girls to attend a news conference by Janet Reno, the first female U.S. attorney general. The White House sponsored a discussion on early career development and organized activities on the White House web page. Bill Clinton remarked that he thought the event was, “A wonderful thing.” An organizer of the event at the Texas Instruments plant in Texas, in which over 1,000 girls visited, emphasized the importance of girls learning about careers in technology and engineering because they have traditionally been discouraged from math and science.

Related Story:

April 25, 1996


Reuters - April 25, 1996

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