
Gore Still Has Woman Gov. on Veep List

Vice President Al Gore is expected to announce his running mate early next week. According to the Washington Post, his top picks include Senator John Edwards (NC), Senator John Kerry (MA), Senator Joseph Lieberman (CT), House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (MS), and “long-shots” Senator Evan Bayh (IN) and Governor Jeanne Shaheen (NH). Experts do not expect Shaheen to stay on the list long, and she is currently the only woman listed in the running; her record on women’s issues is laudable, and NARAL awarded her an “A” on choice in its Vice Presidential Report Card on Choice. NARAL also awarded high marks to Kerry and Liberman, and gave Gephardt and Bayh “C”s with the comment that both have been moving toward a more pro-choice stance. NARAL has made no evaluation of Edwards.


Washington Post - August 4, 2000 and NARAL's Vice Presidential Report Card on Choice

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