
HBO Documentary Exposes Hate Groups Online

Last night, cable television network HBO premiered the documentary “Hate.com: Extremists on the Internet,” an analysis of hate groups’ presence and mobilization using the Internet. The program highlights various hate groups with a specific focus on racist extremists, but included anti-abortion, anti-gay and lesbian, and other groups. For example, Eric Robert Rudolph primary suspect in the Atlanta clinic, gay night club, and Olympic Park bombings of 1996, was featured as an individual who adheres to both anti-abortion and militia-type beliefs. The documentary, produced in cooperation with the Southern Poverty Law Center, provided a chilling account of the power for otherwise disenfranchised and geographically isolated individuals to participate in hate related activities. HBO has also produced a website in conjunction with the program that offers viewers tips on combating hate and hate violence. The Feminist Majority Foundation’s National Clinic Access Project also tracks the continuing interrelationships of the anti-abortion extremist movement and right-wing militia groups. HBO’s feature will be rebroadcast throughout the month.


Feminist Majority Foundation and HBO and Associated Press _ October 23, 2000

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