Ms. Magazine

Help Us End the War on Women and See Your Name in Ms. Magazine!

Want your name in the next issue of Ms.? You got it.

During the summer abortion hearings in Texas, which gained national attention and resulted in days of pro-choice action, state Senator Leticia Van de Putte perfectly articulated the feelings of millions of women with one simple sentence:


Sen. Van De Putte, in raising her hand and voice, ignited the galleries and extended Sen. Wendy Davis’ filibuster past midnight until the legislative session expired. The Texas feminists may have lost the short-term battle, but they ignited the nation. We must keep their energy and spirit going until we stop the War on Women.

Together, we’ll send a strong message to mostly all-male legislatures that are hell-bent on rolling back women’s access to abortion, birth control and reproductive healthcare: We pledge that won’t let it happen. We pledge that we won’t go back. And we pledge that we won’t stop fighting.

We would love to add your name to the pledge. Donate at least $25 today and we’ll make sure you’re included in the next edition of Ms. 

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