
High Abortion Rate in Hong Kong Blamed on Lack of Sex Education

Hong Kong’s rate of abortion is the highest among developed nations, with 29 percent of pregnancies being legally terminated in 2001. Social workers in Hong Kong estimate that the number of abortions could actually be higher than the 20,235 recorded, according to Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report, because of the stigma associated with pregnancy outside of marriage.

The increased abortion rate has raised concerns about the quality of sex education and reproductive health services. The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong has focused more on sexual and reproductive health than it has on limiting the number of children per family, reports the South China Morning Post, because over declining birth and fertility rates. Other factors in the declining birth rate include an aging population, women postponing marriage and parenthood, and economic circumstances, reports the Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report.

The United States has the second highest rate of abortion with 24.4 percent of pregnancies terminated each year, followed by Canada at 24.3 percent, and Australia at 23.7 percent, according to Medical News Today.

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Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report 8/17/04; South China Morning Post 8/15/04; Medical News Today 8/9/04

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