
Home Depot Pays $87.5 Million in Gender Bias Lawsuit

Three days before trial, Home Depot USA has agreed to settle a class action gender discrimination lawsuit filed on behalf of about 8,000 women employees at their west coast division.

This lawsuit is one of four nationwide filed against Home Depot, alleging that the company paid women less than men, gave women fewer raises and promoted them less than male employees. A spokesperson for Home Depot said the $87.5 million payment was not an acknowledgement of guilt. Many were surprised by the settlement, which followed strong denials and an agressive defense.

Sixty-five million will be split between the 8,000 women and $22.5 million will go to the lawyers. The settlement also requires Home Depot to set up a system for all employees to inform managers when they want promotions.


Washington Post - September 21, 1997

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