Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th. We have just 7 DAYS to mobilize young women voters to turnout to the polls! FMLAs nationwide continue to register voters and plan to mobilize voters to the polls on Election Day. In coalition with several other campus groups, the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-EAU CLAIRE FMF affiliate registered 1000 people! The group plans on organizing transportation to the polls on Election Day. FMLA Affiliate MARSHALL UNIVERSITY in WV, working with other campus groups, registered over 200 voters! KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY FMLA in Pennsylvania hosted a voter registration drive and will have a voter mobilization table at Election Day. The recently chartered FMLA at West Virginia University have been tabling for Get Out Her Vote, registering between dozens of voters on campus. The FMLA at the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN AT GREEN BAY joined 9 other campus organizations in registering close to 900 students. SACRAMENTO STATE UNIVERSITY FMLA is actively educating their campus about the importance of voting through the new GOHV “Did You Know” flyers. The HAMLINE FMLA created an elaborate bulletin board display to motivate students and educate their peers on why young people should vote. Get online and get involved. The elections are almost here! New materials are available online. Get ideas for mobilizing your campus by calling us toll free at 1-866-444-FMLA or e-mail Amber Wobschall, FMF GOHV Coordinator, at awobschall@feminist.org. GOHV is sponsored by the Feminist Majority Foundation and their affiliate Feminist Majority Leadership Alliances. The Feminist Majority Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization that does not oppose, support or otherwise endorse any candidate for public office.