
House Appropriations Allocates $600 Million to International Family Planning Programs

A House Appropriations subcommittee approved $600 million to fund international family planning programs Wednesday. The $600 million includes a $60 million appropriation to the United Nations Population Func (UNFPA), and allots the remaining $540 million to USAID programs, according to RH Reality Check. The money will help provide treatment for obstetric fistula, supplies that aid safe childbirth, and contraceptives, among other things.

The UNFPA, a United Nations program that deals specifically with population and family planning, has been denied federal funds from the Bush administration for seven consecutive years. The White House falsely cites involvement in sterilization coercion in China as the reason for this decision, despite repeated investigations determining the accusations to be false.

This is the largest one-year increase in family-planning funds in history and nearly doubles President Bush’s proposed budget of $327.5 million.


RH Reality Check 7/18/2008; Planetwire 7/17/2008

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