
Huge Shortage of Girls in China

The United Nations (UN) has reported that China will face a huge shortage of girls that will cause major problems for China’s family and social stability if the trend is not changed. In addition, the UN resident coordinator in China, Khalid Malik, stated that the shortage of women will lead to increased sex trafficking of women in China, reports UN Wire.

According to UN Wire, government figures show that there are 100 girls for every 116 boys in China. Other estimates show that there are as few as 100 girls to every 122 boys. Malik has predicted that in another ten years, if this trend continues, there will be 40-60 million more men than women in China. According to United Press International, the shortage of women could lead to a major increase in sex-related crimes such as rape, abduction, and mercenary marriages.

According to the Guardian, China’s one-child policy is putting pressure on couples to make sure their only child is a boy, resulting in cases of female infanticide.

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UN Wire 3/17/04; Guardian 3/9/04; United Press International 3/9/04

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