
Hundreds of Germans Protest Honor Killings in Their Communities

Hundred of protesters marched through Berlin’s Turkish community at the beginning of March to protest the rise in so-called honor killings. The protesters called for an end to forced marriages, more protection for women against domestic violence, and an end to using multiculturalism as an excuse for ignoring problems within immigrant communities, such as the Turkish community, reports Frankfurter Allgemeine.

On February 2, a 23-year-old Turkish mother, Hatin Surucu, was killed by multiple bullet wounds in the head and chest in her neighborhood. Her own three brothers, ages 25, 24, and 18, were arrested six days after the attack and remain in custody.

The Los Angeles Times reports that Surucu was the sixth Muslim woman to have been killed by relatives to protect their “honor” in Berlin since October. Human rights organizations report that there have been 45 honor killings in Germany since 1996.

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Frankfurter Allgemeine 3/18/05; Los Angeles Times 3/20/05

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