A fundamentalist Islamic militia group known as the Laksher-e-Toiba or “Contingents of the Pious” has threatened to mutilate and murder women who wear close-fitting clothing in the Indian state of Kashmir.
In a diktat (decree) issued as part of a news release, members of the Lasksher-e-Toiba gave Kashmir women one week to comply. It further threatened that women who continue to dress inappropriately at week’s end would face harsh punishment. “We will fire on them or throw acid or grenades on those wearing skin tight outfits,” read the statement.
The Lashker-e-Toiba is a fundamentalist, pan-Islamic group in the Indian state of Kashmir, where more 24,000 people have been killed in battles over religion since 1989. Previous decrees issued by the group have closed theaters and beauty parlors and banned the sale of liquor and satellite television service.