Nine Iranian women activists were arrested last week on Iran’s national day of solidarity with women. The activists were attempting to take part in a peaceful demonstration the Rahe Abrisham Gallery last week, the Womens Learning Partnership (WLP) reports.
According to Amnesty International, the activists were part of a group called the Campaign for Equality, which had organized the demonstration to commemorate Irans national day of solidarity. Security forces prevented it from taking place by closing down the gallery.
The Campaign for Equality is fighting to eliminate discrimination against women, and is sponsoring the One Million Signatures campaign. Amir Yaghoub-Ali was arrested and sentenced to a one-year prison term earlier this month for circulating this petition.
Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) reports that the activists were released around 1 a.m. later that night, but it is not known whether there will be charge against them.