
Iranian Feminists Issue Global Call for Action

A group of Iranian feminists and activists are asking women’s rights groups and feminists worldwide for support in demanding “an end to state-led violence and repression” and “immediate release of all political detainees in Iran.” Thus far, more than 40 women’s rights groups from 9 countries are supporting partners. Under the name Gender Equality for Iran, the Iranian activists are asking for international solidarity through the organization of initiatives using the slogan “freedom and gender equality in Iran” throughout March of this year. The Feminist Majority Foundation and Ms. magazine are supporters of Gender Equality for Iran.

In a petition, the group states: “Over the past thirty years, the Iranian women’s movement has been at the forefront of the struggle for freedom and equality in Iran. Gender discrimination intersects with other forms of subordination – whether based on class, ethnicity, political orientation, religion, and so on. Thus, the peaceful resistance of women and men in defense of gender equality in all social spheres – legal, political, cultural, economical, etc. – has profoundly impacted the Iranian movement for democracy. Iranian women have long demanded freedom and gender equality; they have employed both individual and group strategies, initiated various campaigns, and faced insults, threats, arrests and imprisonment in the process. Many of these women are currently in prison.”

The petition continues and says, “Over the past eight months, the grass-roots protest movement that emerged following the disputed presidential elections has been suppressed by mounting violence. Physical and psychological violence – through arrest, torture, rape, extended imprisonment, and even execution – has been exercised against civil and political activists in Iran. As of now, numerous women activists from various movements – women’s, workers, students, civil, and political – are detained and/or have received heavy sentences. The list of detainees grows everyday.” Act now and sign the petition to support the Iranian feminist movement.


Iran Gender Equality Website

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